Sunday, October 5, 2008

Poison Ivy

It has been more than two weeks since I was probably exposed to poison ivy. I expect that is was poison ivy. The doctor also affirms that. I was hiking in the woods, off the trails and I am not very careful! I got the usual rash on my arms, guess I could have worn long sleeves, but I did not. Then I got rash on my neck and legs, guess that I should have worn long jeans and a turtleneck but I did not.

I used my usual prescription cream and after no relief I went to the doctor for a stronger ointment. Several days later I had to call in for the next step, oral steroid. Obviously this had become a systemic reaction. After more than a week on the medication, when I thought I was almost safe, I woke up with hives on my face and chest! I went back to the doctor and got more medication then ended up having to call him again a couple of days later when the hives has spread and the swelling had deformed my face. I now have prednisone, atarax, zyrtec, singular, triamcinolone, ambien and tylonal. A coworker who does healing touch offered her help with a session and a quick walk into the woods to help me identify the guilty plant variety! She also suggested a mixture of baking soda and arrowroot for warm moist areas. (I will spare you the details!) So after all this attention, medical advice, medication, ice packs and itching, I still feel awful and look monstrous. I took a photo in the mirror and considered adding it to this entry but did not want to risk scaring small children who may be surfing the Internet without supervision. The doctor says that I should call him Monday and may need to go to a dermatologist, but that just sounds like more medication and expense. I will just plan on feeling lots better tomorrow!

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