Tuesday, October 7, 2008

First Week of October

Today marks the end of the first week of October.The colors are getting brighter but I am getting less time outdoors. This plant is not poison ivy! This is not the plant that is making me miserable. I took this shot near my garage. It is about as far as I have gotten to enjoy the October outdoors in the last couple of days. My time outside has been a trip to the doctor, a trip to the dermatologist and then to the pharmacy. I now have a dermatologist who happens to look like he is about twenty years old. I also have two new ointments, two new antihistamines, a new dosage of my steroids and new hope. This creepy, crawly, itchy, blotchy, bumpy swollen skin must heal soon. My sanity is at stake!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Oh you sound so miserable. What the heck were you doing in the weeds??!! Get a room. LOL