Saturday, December 6, 2008

Fruit Instead of Cookies

I am trying to do better, staying away from the cookies and shopping in the produce department more often! Between the broken arm and poison ivy, I have felt pretty cruddy for the last couple of months. One of the best ways for me to make some changes to feel better is to eat healthier (and exercise, but let's not get carried away yet.) My arm is healing very well, just some discomfort from the sprain in my wrist, the break is much better. I am finally off the drugs for my many ailments associated with the break and the ivy. All this makes me anxious to feel better.
Did you know that fresh home baked cookies are delivered to my work place daily? That's a huge temptation for me, but I have stayed away from them for a couple of weeks. I prefer a fist full of cookies but am working at embracing the beauty of the produce aisle. I want to feel good and age well....staying active and feeling healthy. The fruit is pretty, isn't it?

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