Friday, November 14, 2008

Occupational Therapy

Sixteen days after breaking my arm, I had my last occupational therapy appointment today. I think I graduated, but the doctor will decide that when I see her next week. I had six appointments with instructions to do my exercises six times each day. I did work hard, but I doubt that I got in six full sessions on more than one or two days. I have a pulley hanging from my door as you see in the photo. I also have standing, sitting and laying down exercises. We have been working on mobility and flexibility of my wrist, elbow and shoulder. I have come a long way in two weeks. I have great range of motion now, but it does hurt when I turn my wrist a bit too much. There is a constant ache which is worse at the end of the day. I still use a heat pack which really helps with the soreness from the major bruising. I have never seen that deep shade of purple on my body, but it is fading. No, I did not take a photo of the bruising. It was too gross, even for me! All in all I am thrilled at my healing and so grateful that my body has cooperated with the mending process and occupational therapy. But. . . everything seems to take much more work now with one weak limb. Getting dressed in the morning is exhausting. I find myself impatient until I remember it has been just sixteen days!

1 comment:

Ashley Schrage said...

it almost doesn't even seem reality for me that your arm is broken, since i haven't seen it! you'll be all healed up by thanksgiving :)