Monday, October 1, 2012

Story Time

I loved reading to my children when they were little and was anxious to get to read stories to grandchildren someday. The love of reading is something that is so important to me and sharing it is wonderful. Lincoln is enjoying our story times almost as much as I enjoy them. I have lots of the kid's books from 20-30 years ago. (Has it really been that long?) But Lincoln's two favorites are books that I bought just for him. He loves "Snuggle Puppy" which we bought together on our day in Decorah. He also likes the "Little Crab" book that I bought for him in Baltimore. I just love that he has favorites and can express that! Thanks to Dale for taking these photos on a Saturday morning. I love the way the light from the window bounces from the book to Lincoln's face!


Kymm said...

I don't remember my grandparents reading to me, but I do remember my dad reading to me and how special that made me feel. I hope you and Lincoln have many wonderful storytime adventures together!

Cynthia said...

Love the picture of morning sunshine lighting up Lincoln's face from the book! I always looked forward to reading to my kids every night before bedtime. It was just as relaxing for me as well as for them. I'm sure its fun to read all your favorite stories to him that you read to Ashley n Jay!