Monday, May 18, 2009

Rhubarb Pie

If lilacs smell like Spring, rhubarb tastes like Spring. Thanks to my friend, Jennifer, I now have a rhubarb connection in Des Moines. OK, I know you can buy it in the grocery store but it's just not right. Who buys rhubarb and lilacs?

I remember one Spring when I visited my grandma in Southern Missouri. We went out hunting for rhubarb and lilacs. I think we had permission for the rhubarb but may not have had permission for the lilacs. It was Grandma's idea and she was close to eighty years old. Nobody questioned us!

Friday afternoon I braved the drizzle to pull rhubarb before heading home from work. My son-in-law loves rhubarb and he was heading to town. Although I considered other recipes, I ended up making rhubarb pie. Pie is such a beautiful process. I love mixing the crust, rolling it and crimping the edges. Rhubarb isn't so pretty but it is so yummy and truly tastes like Spring!

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