Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day

It was a restful holiday weekend. Personally I think that every weekend should be a three day weekend. Who decided that we should work five days each week? I took this photo on Monday morning when Dale and I went out to use the leftover night crawlers. We spent an hour at a fishing hole close to home. The rest of the worms will live out their days in the luxury of Dale's sunken garden.

Saturday night Ashley stayed over after attending a local wedding. It was fun to lounge around together. We got to sit by the pool for a while before heading out to enjoy a patio lunch at a local restaurant. The pool and the patio meal made it feel like a mini vacation with Ashley.

I have never had Memorial Day traditions, but it is a time to slow down and honor those who have gone before us as well as those who have served our country. For Dale it also means hours invested watching big races on TV. Grilling a couple of burgers seems like a good thing for Memorial Day too. Maybe fishing and burgers will become our tradition. . . and racing of course!

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