Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fifty-eight Degrees

The weather has been incredibly mild this winter but when it hit fifty-eight degrees today it seemed like a great day for a walk, even with a tiny baby. Lincoln was very cozy in the stroller and Mowgli was very well behaved. It was a great way to explore the neighborhood. The shadows are very long for 3 PM but it is January!

I have also been able to get some work done outside. I unpacked the clay pots today and hauled away an unwanted bird bath. The garage is more organized and I even pulled out some leftover petunias from last year. It's been great to get to know the neighborhood and my yard, even in January.

1 comment:

Kymm said...

So glad to see you settling into your new home. I'm so very happy for you--what a great time in your life!