Friday, April 10, 2009

Big Birthday

Yesterday was a big birthday for me...the big one! It was a great day. I enjoyed every moment. Dale took this photo of me with my gift. I got an amazing new camera from Dale. One of the best things is that
he and Ashley have the same camera and can help me learn. After a delicious birthday dinner at a wonderful Italian restaurant we settled in and played with our cameras.
This photo of Dale is one of my first shots with the new camera. It was fun to click away and laugh together about the shots and the poses. It was a perfect birthday date and I think Dale had fun too!
You have heard me mention my little point and shoot camera, usually in the context of an excuse for a less than average shot. Now I will have the equipment to take better photos. I have also lost my excuse for my disappointing shots. It's very exciting to have a new camera. I love photography and this will be so fun! I think I may even read the owners manual.
Before my birthday date I spent much of the day at work. One of my volunteers planned a surprise birthday celebration for me. She baked a cake and decorated my work space. Other volunteers knew that her birthday was later this week so they brought us both flowers and balloons. My coworkers and volunteers gathered to sing and eat cake. It was a fun surprise celebration.

I am so appreciative of all the love and attention on my special day. I was honored and thrilled by the phone calls, cards and emails. Birthdays are so much fun! Now the fun continues with a visit from Jay and Briana this weekend. Ashley is coming later in the month. Let the celebration continue!

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