Sunday, November 4, 2012

Weekend Balance

 As I get ready to settle in for a cozy and quiet Sunday evening I looked through the snapshots I took over the weekend and realized it was a nice balanced weekend. Today Lincoln and Ashley joined Linda and me for the first UNI women's basketball game of the fall. It was Lincoln's first basketball game ever and I can safely say that he enjoyed it very much. He carefully watched the players run up and down the court, socialized with our friends and thoroughly enjoyed the band. Who knew that boy could dance? He loved it! I have so looked forward to sharing sporting events with Lincoln. This is fun.
 Saturday evening Dale and I were also at the McLeod Center to see the UNI women's volley ball team. Who knew that I liked volley ball? Not me! I have really grown to appreciate the sport this year and enjoyed the game very much.
AND I made headway on some much anticipated home improvements. Have I mentioned that I am thrilled to have the green shutters off? Thanks for the help, Dale. I like getting things done, getting out some and spending time with people. It was a very good balance.

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