Sunday, December 12, 2010

Won Ton Sausage Stars

A family favorite for the holidays is Won Ton Sausage Stars. I got this recipe from my friend, Troyce more than ten years ago. I made them for parties or church gatherings at my house. Then I made them for our Nonnweiler family Christmas. Now I make them when the kids come too. Ashley and I have made a triple batch of the filling and it's safely in the freezer awaiting three parties and even some extra to serve with soup for winter meals. We are half done baking the won ton wrappers and will finish today. We put them together just before baking and serving. The photo was our lunch yesterday. It takes time but it is a favorite! It's cheesy and crunchy. We love that!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

And now I'm hungry! =)