Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Glow

My home is quiet and clean; too quiet and too clean. Jay, Briana, Travis, Ashley and Mowgli left this afternoon. We made some very good meals and ran the dishwasher several times. We squished together on the couch and bumped into each other in the kitchen. It was great! Now the sheets are washed the the towels are ready for the next visitor. Our Christmas celebration is done but the Christmas glow remains. This lamp was a gift from all of the kids; a wonderful reminder of the warmth and love that we share. I will probably burn out the light bulbs quickly because I just love the glow! It is a joy to share the holiday season and to have the kids at home. It was a wonderful celebration and the glow continues!

1 comment:

Kymm said...

A beautiful post. Now I have a glow, too.