Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Blue Eyelash

At Thanksgiving my sister, Sandi asked if I could make something out of the yarn that she had purchased but never knitted. I said that I would try and she offered me her favorite scarf to use as an example. I guess I could have looked for a similar pattern but since that didn't enter my mind at the time, I just looked closely at the old scarf and made it up as I went along. I have never used this "eyelash" yarn so that was a new experience. It's just a simple scarf knit on large needles with an opening on one end so that you can thread the end of the scarf through the hole. I started the project on a very quiet and cold Sunday and finished it before bedtime. It was a fun challenge!


Kymm said...

You are now a designer. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I'm excited to get it! You did a great job. Feel free to wear it before you hand it over.