Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How My Garden Grows

My little tiny garden area gives me an opportunity to dig in the dirt and grow a few things. It takes very little work and I do enjoy watching things grow. My flowers are doing well. The marigolds in the photo are the ones that I started from seed this spring. Obviously I should spend a bit more time dead heading them but I just walk right past them most days on the way to my pool. My Roma tomato plant has been a disappointment. I have lots of tomatoes but it seems that every one has a big black spot on the bottom. I really wanted to cook with these tomatoes but that's probably not going to happen. How do I avoid this "black rot" on my tomatoes? This happened last year too! I guess it's a good thing that I have not invested too much time or money!

1 comment:

Kris Hoskinson said...

weird, mine have the black thing too! i did roma in a pot too.....this was my first year of growing stuff. hmmmm....let me know if you figure anything out!