Thursday, August 20, 2009

August Exercise

I have been terrible about exercise this year and it shows! Although August may not be the best month to start walking, it's a good time to get ready for it! I have been exercising in the pool every day for the last fourteen days. I know, two weeks of exercise should not give me bragging rights but it's a gigantic improvement for me. Fortunately even on the rainy days the skies have cleared and I have headed to the pool in the sunshine.

The last few days I have been paying special attention to strengthening my arms and shoulders. I worked on my upper body strength after my broken arm and frozen shoulder but after I reached my goals, I forgot about it. The water is a great place to get started and I can feel that it is working.

This evening Dale and I decided to enjoy the gorgeous evening and walk around Gray's Lake. It was 72 degrees with a beautiful breeze. It's only two miles around the lake but that felt like enough for now. I could blame the fact that I had already exercised in the pool for forty minutes. I could also blame my running shoes which need to be replaced, but it probably makes more sense to admit that giving up my regular routine of walking has caused me to be terribly out of shape!! When the pool closes in a couple of weeks I will have to rely on my walking for exercise so now is my chance to build up some strength and buy new shoes. I may even get my weights out and start working on my arms again.

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