Friday, June 5, 2009

Trying Disc Golf

I finished my work day at noon on Friday and Dale had the day off. It was gorgeous outside so we decided to enjoy. We headed to our favorite deli for their famous "killer sandwiches" then went to a park to eat. We talked about what the kids had been doing and the conversation led to Jay's interest in disc golf. Dale and I had stumbled on a beautiful course at Ewing Park and decided to give it a try.
We stopped by Target and chose our discs. Since I had heard Jay's stories about water hazards, I decided to go with the clearance disc since I didn't know if I would have any control over the direction or distance!
It turns out that this was fun! My disc went in the direction that I intended. An occasional curve was easily corrected. I was even pleased with my distance, but I have plenty of room for improvement there. Of course we took the camera and photographed each other. That's always part of the fun. We may have been older than most of the disc golfers that we see, but that's OK with me. I love to be outside and this course was in a beautiful park that was partially wooded. I love being in the woods. We will do this again for sure.

1 comment:

Ashley Schrage said...

You could always try Trav's hobby and stop by target for a couple dirtbikes :)