Monday, September 29, 2008

September Crisp

When Dale came over this evening we decided to go for a short walk. There is a trail by my home that runs between the creek and the old railroad. We took the GPS and found a cache on the trail. We also saw an apple tree that was heavy with ripe apples. It looked like dessert potential to me. I was able to pick four fairly low hanging apples. Don't worry. It was on public property! Dale carried the apples back and while we watched our favorite sit coms I peeled, sliced and mixed up the topping. My secret recipe? Double the crisp! Apple crisp is perfect for a cool September evening. It smelled so good and tasted great.

1 comment:

Ashley Schrage said...

oh, so you don't have a mother-in-law that peels and cuts your apples for you?!