Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pool Time

Ashley came to visit!
It did not turn out like we planned but it ended up being a very nice visit. She was going to have a couple of photo shoots but one got canceled. I was going to take Friday afternoon off to hang out but ended up going to a funeral out of town and leaving Ashley at my house. There were plenty of clouds and a few rainstorms but we made it all work. We ate good food and relaxed lots. We went to the Farmer's Market and even took a quick trip to the mall. The sun came out and we got to spend time in the pool all three days. We exercised in the water and lounged on the chairs with icy drinks. I wanted to document our weekend and took my little camera down to the pool. With plenty of water and sun neither of us felt camera ready. We each took a few shots thinking that foot photos might be the answer and then decided which ones could be blogged. These were the two that passed the test. I always love it when Ashley visits but often do not have any photo documentation of our very relaxing time. This visit was relaxing too and it felt a little bit like vacation which is a good thing.

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