Monday, February 1, 2010

New Haircut

My hair was getting too long and shapeless so I asked around for hairdresser recommendations. Usually I just ask Ashley to trim it or stop by someplace quick but I took the suggestion of a respected co-worker with cute hair and made my appointment deciding I would let her do whatever she suggested. I was feeling pretty bold then I walked into the shop. Then I met my stylist. She had purple hair! I was beginning to lose my courage. After a few questions I realized that she did know curly hair so I decided to put my hair in her hands. She literally started wacking away at my wet locks. Huge chunks were falling to the floor when I told her that this was short for me. She asked if I was nervous and I realized that I was not. Hair does grow and I was ready for a change. I found myself calculating how many months until the humidity gets high and my hair gets extra curly. I could become a walking brillo pad, but I have plenty of hair clips and bands. It does feel much lighter and more fresh. That's a good thing. . .for now!


Ashley Schrage said...

i love it!

Aubrey Leisinger said...

You look great :)

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks great! It's always fun trying something new, if we get up the courage!! Love it, Cindy