Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day

It is a genuine snow day! We have almost 16 inches of snow on the ground already with high winds and blizzard conditions. Plows, buses and cabs have been called off the road. My boss called before 7 am to tell me to stay home. That's a REAL snow day! I cannot remember the last time that a blizzard like this really did shut things down. I am having memories of my fourteenth birthday, April 9, 1973 when a huge blizzard closed everything. I guess it's a good thing that I finally turned my furnace on last week. It's running lots now!

I have not left home today and probably will not leave until tomorrow. I didn't even go outside to photograph the snow. I just took the shots from the warmth of my home wearing my cozy robe. I made myself eggs and hash browns for breakfast and plan to make something yummy for later but I am not yet sure what that will be. I am doing some work from home, making calls and some computer work but I will also find time later to finish my quilted tree skirt, wrap some gifts and mix up some cookie dough. I will get things ready for my weekend with Ashley when we bake, shop, wrap and relax! (The photo on the right is my air conditioner with 24 hours of snow accumulation. The top photo is a drift filling my patio. It's all snow, no furniture under that drift.)

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