Monday, August 13, 2012

Garage Reveal

After six weeks I can say that the garage project is finished...for now. I hope it's obvious that the photo above is the finished project and the one below was a starting shot taken during the first days of July. I put lots of hours into this project but could not have done it so well without lots of help. James covered the bare studs and built the work bench. Dale mounted the shelves and helped with quite a few odds and ends. I can work the drill but I am not very good at it! Travis and Ashley helped with some adjustment and Mowgli kept me company! I did spend some money on plywood and shelving but the paint was a mix of all the left over shades of white that I found in the basement when I moved into the house.

I hung posters from ISU, UNI, Drake and CFHS along side posters from Broadway productions, hockey and Sturgis Falls as well as some clay art projects that have been in my house for twenty years. I bought hooks to hang yard and garden tools and bought a couple of baskets for storage. This is the smallest garage I have ever owned and it was my intention to have a "place for everything and everything in it's place." Being organized should give me more room! I still want to trim out the window and expect that there will be more posters added over the years but I have certainly put my own stamp on the garage and I think it's a big improvement. Actually since this is the first time I have been single when purchasing a home this is the first garage that I have organized and arranged on my own. It's kinda crazy that it feels so good!


Kymm said...

It looks fantastic! So bright and cheery, and organized so well! Great job!

Cynthia said...

WoooHooo its done! It looks great n a big change when comparing before n after. Awesome work with the help of great friends! Love the art work!