Saturday, July 28, 2012

Weekend Update

 The weekend is off to a perfect combination of relaxation and productivity. I am loving my home and making changes to make it mine but my favorite place to be is in my "Grammy Chair" with Lincoln. Sometimes he sits beside me and feels like a big boy, other times we snuggle and sing. He is getting more and more interested in the books that we read. He has a couple of favorites and we also read books that his mommy and Uncle Jay read and chewed on also.
I have an overdeveloped sense of pride over mounting this particular board in my garage. I was quite nervous about handling the 8 foot length of 1x4 on my own but it went up very well. I easily drilled into each stud to secure the board. I even got it level. The 4 foot length on the other side of the garage is the one that gave me problems...the third stud seemed impossible to find so I have lots of extra holes from my drilling explorations. Seems that I was using a stripped screw. Did I strip it with all of my drilling? I don't know. Travis helped me figure things out and we got it mounted securely. Now both boards are painted and I have started pounding nails and mounting brackets to hang garden tools, rakes, shovels, ladder and lawn chairs. Today after mowing the lawn I will work at hanging the hose reel and more tools. I am so grateful for the break in the heat the last couple of days. This project is going pretty slowly but I will continue to move forward.

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