Saturday, July 21, 2012

St. Louis in April

 Although the motivation for our trip to St. Louis was Busch Stadium, we certainly enjoy exploring other aspects of the city. It did rain off and on but we enjoy the Arch as well as the grounds around there and the people watching.

The St. Louis Zoo was exceptionally good but also quite exhausting. We walked quite a bit and saw most of the zoo after walking around other parts of the city as well.
 We checked out a couple of great finds on The breakfasts at Goody Goody were delicious and the frozen custard at Ted Drewes was amazing. Both are very busy places on a Saturday but well worth waiting. We also tried a local St. Louis tradition of pizza with provel cheese (it's like the white version of velveeta.) I would not recommend that so much.
 The fun weekend took a drastic turn when we were hit with what they called "a historically horrific hail storm" in the St. Louis area. Dale and I pulled off the road when it became quite dangerous. The photo above is the rear window of the car and one of the hail stones that destroyed it. As you can see below there was plenty of hail at the hotel. Rows of cars with broken windows and no chance of getting it fixed in that area sent us on the road with no back window, a severely cracked windshield and dents and dimples over most every part of Dale's car. The storm cut our weekend short but fortunately we made it home safely and there were plenty of windshields available in Waterloo.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Oh my gosh! So glad you made it home safe! Poor Dale's car! That was huge hail! : (