Friday, July 6, 2012

Early July Garden

Love seeing the harvest!
Although it's too hot to enjoy garden work lately, I am enjoying the fruits of my labors. The cherry tomatoes are starting to ripen and I am still eating lots of lettuce with a new crop of spinach on the way. Yesterday I made salads with the tomatoes, lettuce, baby carrots, banana pepper and onion from the garden. The cabbage is getting big and the broccoli is still producing some. The carrots were planted for Lincoln but he doesn't seem too impressed by them yet. When they get lots bigger we will steam some and squish them up for him.
Of course I have to have a baby face in my garden posts!
We just got back from a family reunion in Clear Lake. . . after all that Wreghitt food, it's good to come home to a garden with fresh veggies! I will post some photos of the reunion very soon but be warned; it was hotter than hot and nobody looks good in the photos!

1 comment:

Kymm said...

I envy you those fresh tomatoes! None are ready to pick yet here.