Saturday, February 11, 2012

Brilliant Treasures

These amazing beads were all handmade by my friend, Kelly. They are intricate, unique, colorful and gorgeous just like friendship. When Kelly and I set up our coffee date I asked her to bring her beads. I like seeing the photos of them on facebook but really love to touch them and play with them. I couldn't resist pulling out my camera then thought of how they are so much like the very rich friendships in my life! Kelly is incredibly creative and it was a joy to sit for hours sharing life and sifting through hundreds of beads. I don't often enough say how much I truly value the deep friendships that bless my life!


sandi said...

Very nice, this would be a great photo to frame for your house!

Kymm said...

What a lovely post! You are one of my brilliant treasures, Linda. Thank you for being my friend.

Kymm said...

And those beads? Wow--they're just beautiful! Well done, Kelly!