Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer Shopping

Summer can mean lots of heat and humidity. We have had plenty of that in my opinion. Yesterday the heat index was well over 100 degrees. Anybody who knows me very well knows that this is my least favorite weather but there are things that I like about summer. I love having easy access to a swimming pool and I love visitors to share the pool. Last weekend my good friend, Linda came for a pool weekend and it was wonderful. We also went to the farmers market, a movie and malls. I got a new swimsuit which should quiet some of the people who say that I don't always need to buy black swimsuits. As you can see in the photo, there is plenty of color in this one...even though most of it is black. Hey, I like black and my mom told me that black was slenderizing and it matches my flip flops and most importantly; if I can find a swimsuit that covers the important parts, feels comfortable and is on sale then that is the one that I will wear! It was especially nice to have Linda's opinion. We do shop well together and eat well together and relax well together. It was a good weekend. Now it's time to look forward to the coming weekend. Let the fun begin. . . tomorrow!!

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