Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Waterloo Weekend

I had a great weekend visiting Ashley and Mowgli in Waterloo this weekend. Travis was gone for a motorcycle weekend so I didn't get to see him but it was a fun weekend anyway. We went for lots of walks and Mowgli was happy to go with us. We also ate great food and got to go some of my favorite places; Brown Bottle and Pablos. I got to see a couple very good friends, Linda and Larry. I love the opportunity to catch up with my Cedar Falls friends!

Linda gave us rhubarb from her yard. Ashley had mentioned strawberry rhubarb pie recently so we found a recipe and made a yummy pie for dessert and breakfast the next day! It was so fun to hang out with Ashley, walking, eating, talking and just lounging around together! Mowgli cried when I left. . . how sad. I will be back soon!

1 comment:

Ashley Schrage said...

i like the photo of Mowgli! Our pie is gone, guess I need to get on to the second recipe.