Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Early Spring

After such a mild winter the early spring is not a huge surprised but it is still greatly appreciated. Just today there were so many wonderful signs of spring around my house. A baby on a blanket in the yard, washing the deck and making potato salad! I also did my morning walk and two afternoon walks. This is one tired Grammy!

I made my second run to the brush dump today to get rid of the leaves and other remnants of my spring raking. I washed the deck in preparation for tomorrow when I plan to apply the "water seal." The first potato salad of the season is aways exciting! Of course Lincoln is a welcome visitor any season! It's been a wonderful week already and it's only Tuesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aawww! Lincoln on a blanket in the back yard~now that's spring! What a cutie! You have been busy with your new house. Sounds like you're enjoying all the work too. You always feel so good when accomplishing those tasks. And yes potato salad sounds great too. Enjoy! Cindy