Thursday, December 22, 2011

Morning Snuggles

There are certain moments in life when you just know, even in the moment that it is an incredibly special time. That has happened to me many times in the last couple of weeks. Some of those moments that will always stay in my memory are my early morning snuggles with Lincoln. He and Ashley stayed in the hospital just one night. Although I had my house I didn't have any furniture so I was staying with Ashley and Travis. I told her that they could get me up if they needed me. For those three nights I slept peacefully all night until 5 am when Ashley would bring Lincoln down to me and go back upstairs for a few hours of much needed sleep. It was absolutely amazing to snuggle with him, soothe him, watch him sleep and get to know my first grandchild in those early morning hours with the glow of the Christmas tree for light. It was a privilege that I will always treasure!

1 comment:

Lynn J. Anders said...

Being a 5 year PRO at this Grandmothering gig, I totally relate to your comments and pictures. The love is instant and the events are priceless. Remember that feeling deep in your soul, when your children were born? I once heard it said, "I love them so much I could EAT them". Well, this love is the same, but with awe knowing that the little girl you gave birth to, also gave birth to this little boy! Welcome to the most amazing gift from God and the snuggles that come with that gift!!!!!