Saturday, August 14, 2010

Farmer's Market Bag

I finished a knitting project that was NOT a rectangle! This is my new handmade farmer's market bag. It has been a very fun project. In July when I met my friend, Julie on Main Street in Cedar Falls we wandered into a yarn shop when we saw these bags in the window. Julie and I each bought yarn and got the free patterns. On my way home from Cedar Falls I stopped in Ames to have dinner with my friend, Kymm and she lent me the appropriate needles. I was uncertain at the beginning but really enjoyed it once I got to the mesh body of the bag. Last weekend when Jill was here I spent lots of time knitting and finished the body and started the handle while I had expert advice in the house. I was motivated to finish the handle this weekend so that I would have the bag to use at Saturday's farmers market. I was thinking that it wasn't very big but that bag really stretches. It's holding six ears of corn, cantaloupe, pepper and a loaf of bread! We also got to check out the newer smaller market at West Glen. It was certainly not a huge event like the downtown market but it was much less crowded and easy to grab some quick produce on our way west to attend the annual Adel Corn Festival. I guess that we will have corn twice this week!! I truly enjoyed this knitting project. Thanks to Julie, Kymm and Jill for the assistance! Fortunately I have new yarn ready to start the next project, which happens to be another rectangle!


Ashley Schrage said...

looks good!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow Linda, you look good! All the exercising, walking, and swimming paid off! Keep up the great work. Also, farmer's market bag is neat, love it. Cindy