Sunday, January 9, 2011


When the ice hit on New Year's Eve and we opened a jigsaw puzzle it seemed like it would never be completed. I questioned the wisdom of one thousand pieces of jigsaw on a coffee table but we kept at it. Dale and I have different systems but they work well together. He is much more systematic, imagine that! We finished last night and enjoyed the process. It was especially fun since it was Sausalito and we plan to visit there this summer. The puzzle was purchased long before the trip was planned but it was fun to think about the trip while working the puzzle. I don't do a puzzle every winter but I do enjoy it so I just may have to buy a new one to tuck away for the next time!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

I LOVE doing puzzles! But it's a little difficult at my house. Peanut likes to "help" a little too much and I find myself missing pieces at the end.