Monday, February 6, 2012

Mondays Can be Fun

Lincoln is eight weeks old today!
My time with Ashley and Lincoln during this eight weeks has been precious to me!

I also got some very fun Sister Time today! Cindy and Sandi traveled down to visit for the day. We had a great time making soup, talking, laughing, eating and hanging pictures on the walls. Great Aunt Cindy also got to meet Lincoln and get in some good baby time.

Lincoln also got some male bonding time with Drew, his second cousin and my nephew. It's fun to be living in the same town as Drew and Molly. . . too bad Molly was sick today.


Kymm said...

Love the three generations pic!

Cynthia said...

Our Monday was a lot of fun! I'm so glad I took a picture of you, Ash & Lincoln! Seeing all the pictures I knew you needed one of all three! It's a great picture! Yes, fun to be in the kitchen again with sisters. You have a very nice home and a wonderful grandson!