Thursday, January 12, 2012

One Month

Lincoln is one month old today. He was sleeping when I stopped by to snuggle with him but he is so patient with me. It's also been one month since I got my house. Lincoln and the house have seen lots of changes in the last month. It's so convenient to go to Menards and visit. Today I bought the wrong size of floor register cover so I will be back again soon.

I have absolutely loved this month of life. It's an amazing chapter for me. Although I cannot take photos of Lincoln while snuggling with him using my good camera, I have discovered that I can use my Ipod at very close range. I know that that quality isn't great but I just love his expression below!


sandi said...

Love these, I'm glad you are enjoying him!

Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams, Lincoln! Love, Aunt Cindy