Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oven Time

Dinner needs just about fifteen minutes in the oven, enough to warm through and brown the squash a bit. My seasonal stomach tells me that it's time for squash, apples and pumpkin. Several years ago I "created" this dish. OK, I just threw some stuff together. Italian sausage, brown rice, onions, red peppers and celery are all browned together to create the filling for the acorn squash. It's pretty yummy. Now I am just waiting for Dale to call to say that he has left work so I can pop this into the oven! Fall is such a great time for cooking. It's almost time for chili season.


Kymm said...

Looks yummy!

Ashley Schrage said...

i don't think i've ever had this before. i'd like to try it!

Anonymous said...

This recipe looks and sounds delicious. I wrote it on a recipe card to try. Thanks for sharing! I love new meal ideas, even though I'm still not cooking much lately. Love, Cindy