Sunday, May 3, 2009

On Gosling Pond

Dale and I had so much fun photographing the goslings on Saturday. When we got to a computer to look at the images we were pleased with the photos and excited to try a few new things on the same family of geese so on Sunday we headed back to the pond with our cameras. I spent some time using Dale's zoom lens so I could get closer shots.

I played with the aperture some and created the first image with the focus on the baby and the parent a bit blurred in the foreground. I do like the look but often would prefer both subjects to be in focus. The reason for my study is to learn how the numbers on my camera create the one that I want for each particular shot. One good solution is to shoot just one object like this adorable gosling enjoying his Sunday breakfast. It was such a pleasure to enjoy time with Dale, the sunshine, cameras and geese.

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