Saturday, September 13, 2008


We have eaten lots of goulash over the years. My mom made goulash. Hers was made with tomato juice instead of tomato sauce and served over mashed potatoes. It wasn't my favorite, but when I had children I made it often also. I found that it was very easy, fast and they liked it lots. I did use tomato sauce and skipped the mashed potatoes. Jay and Ashley were strongly opposed to the onions, so I left those out for years. When Jay started to cook it was one of the first recipes that he requested. I wrote out the simple recipe when he was in his teens. After that I often came home to find a pan of goulash on the stove and a proud son. He had cooked dinner. He would sometimes make spaghetti or enchiladas, but it was a sure thing that his dinner would include a red sauce and ground beef. I was glad that he had an interest in cooking and tried to encourage that. By the time Jay left for college, I had eaten enough goulash for a lifetime, but once and a while it does sound good. Because of heavy rain last night, we decided to pass on the plan for a high school football game. I had not planned for a meal or gotten groceries, so goulash seemed the right answer for a rainy night. For the first time in more than three years, I threw together a quick pan of goulash. It does bring back memories, but I probably won't be making it again for several years!


Ashley Schrage said...


Jill said...

Oh I remember your mom's goulash well! I was very surprised and grossed out about the mashed potatoes. I thought all the starch in the noodles, why more? But I gave them a try and by is pretty darn good.