Jay and Briana liked the idea of going ice skating at the outdoor Brenton Plaza in Des
Moines. Jay had not been ice skating for almost twenty years and Briana had never ice skated. The weather was gorgeous and the sun was so warm. It was a great day to be out there.
I choose to photograph rather than skate. I always say that I do not want to be the old lady on the sidelines, but I just did not feel brave enough to put on ice skates after breaking my arm three months ago. I am also in physical therapy for an apparent frozen shoulder and did not want to mess up my shoulder or any of my bones. So Dale and I watched from the sidelines. I told Jay that if I don't break another bone between now and then, I will skate with him next winter. Not sure how my ankles will hold up since it's been close to forty years since I wore ice skates, but I think I will find the answer next winter. Dale is brave enough to skate, just kept me company, but next year we will both be out there! It was a wonderful weekend. Thanks so much for coming down, Jay and Briana!