This last day of January makes me think ahead. I feel a countdown to warmer weather! It's just four more months until the pool opens. I look forward to the sunshine, bright blue water, cold drinks, novels and girlfriends. I know that tanning is not good for our health, but somehow I feel much healthier when I have been kissed by the sun!
It's just five weeks until day light savings time. That means that we will actually have sunshine after work. Maybe a stroll around Gray's lake with sunshine, no ice and no polar wind.
This is also the time of year that Dale and I enjoy vacation planning. I love vacation and Dale has taught me a whole new depth of what it means to plan for a trip!
Today the temperatures will be in the forties, snow will melt and the sun will shine. All more reasons for me to focus on my countdown. I think this may be an early case of "spring fever!"