I admit it, I am a yo-yo when it comes to weight. The last couple of years I have been on the climb up. When I lost sixty pounds, I cleaned out my closet as advised and got rid of the clothes that were too big. When I started gaining the weight back, I wore snug clothes, then I gained more and bought new clothes. The new summer clothes got shoved in with the smaller clothes. Then I bought new fall clothes and added to the closet. I finally moved some tight clothes to the guest room closet as I became more sure that they would not fit again in the near future. Last week I finally admitted that the smaller clothes were just taking up space with very little hope for use in this season. I got a box out of the extra storage garage and labeled it "too tight." No reason to sugar coat this. These clothes are just too tight for my body. I pulled blouses, jeans, jackets and pants off the hangers and filled the box. I did get some exercise hauling the heavy box to the garage, not my "car garage" but the extra one that's filled with Christmas decorations, He-Man, beanie babies, china and all the other things that do not fit into my two bedroom home. I hope to pull that box out when the clothes fit again, but the truth is that many of them are probably more likely to head to the local Goodwill either because they are too worn or won't fit again before they look very outdated. One more box added to my overflow and one more defeat in the war against extra weight. I never thought I would be a yo-yo, but its my reality. Now I need to find the route back down, again!! The good news is that I have more room in my closet and more empty hangers now.